Over the past 18 months, a grueling recession and record-setting unemployment have caused millions of Americans to rethink their career paths. Gone are the days when one can expect to stay at the same company for an entire career. Job security seems to be a thing of the past, and even retirement seems far out of reach. Worse yet, as the size of the workforce dwindles, employers are expecting more from those who remain employed. Frustrated and angry American workers are beginning to wonder if remaining an “employee” is really worth the sacrifice.
The Rise of the Business FSBO Directory
For those who want job security, financial freedom and a better quality of life, a new trend has appeared on the horizon – starting a business! The only problem is finding the right business; one that will thrive even in tough economic times. Even when one finds the right type of business, it can be tough to find financing for a new idea. The reality is, starting a business from scratch in a down economy is a risky venture, and unfortunately it has caused many would-be entrepreneurs to rethink their plans.
Instead of taking a chance on a new idea, researching the marketplace, writing a business plan, and finding investors, consulting a Business for Sale by Owner directory is a much smarter move. A Businesses FSBO directory provides access to existing businesses for sale in every category, price range, and geographic location. These Internet-based directories list hundreds of businesses for sale by owner, from restaurants and convenience stores to wholesale distribution businesses and delivery routes. In addition to finding a complete listing of businesses for sale, FSBO directories also provide entrepreneurs with valuable information about buying and selling businesses.
Thousands of buyers, private equity groups, investment bankers, business brokers and individuals search through a businesses For Sale By Owner (FSBO) directory every day, looking for undervalued businesses with the potential for rapid growth. These buyers know that when a business is nurtured, marketed and managed in the right way, it can find a niche audience and succeed. One key reason why this type of Businesses for Sale directory is preferable is that both buyer and seller cut out the middleman and save on commissions and fees.